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Thursday, October 10, 2024


Main points of MP Alexandros Triantaphyllides’ speech on Greek language and culture issues in connection with the Diaspora

Main points of MP Alexandros Triantaphyllides’ speech on Greek language and culture issues in connection with the Diaspora

Main points of MP Alexandros Triantaphyllides’ speech on Greek language and culture issues in connection with the Diaspora

During the policy statements of the Government, the Member of Parliament for Thessaloniki, Mr. Alexandros Triantaphyllides, referring in particular to issues of Greek language and culture and their relationship with the Diaspora focused on:


-The need of an international initiative to protect, enhance and promote the Greek language - since "the limits of our words mark the boundaries of our world" - with the participation of prominent personalities from the areas of the arts, literature, science, the media in Greece and abroad with the establishment of a committee or the integration of this initiative as a key subject of the Committee of Hellenism of the Diaspora.


-A Clear answer of the government to repatriated Greeks from the former Soviet Union, Northern Epirus, from Constantinople, but also to economic migrants, if the Article 31 of Law. 4331 we voted is still active. (...) "We are talking about people who have their homeland in their hearts. They came to Greece to die in the soil of the homeland. The least we owe them is an honest answer".


-The need to strengthen the spontaneous, improvised folk expressions in the arts, literature, visual arts, dance, music, film, television, the internet, as "a culture-antidote to barbarism. Culture will help us shape our lives in after – memorandum era ".


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