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Sunday, October 6, 2024


US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo heads to Greece on official visit

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo heads to Greece on official visit

The US State Department announced that the US Secretary of State Mr Mike Pompeo will be visiting Greece this week where he will meet with Prime Minister Mitsotakis, Foreign Minister Dendias, and Defence Minister Panagiotopoulos.

The visit is part of Mike Pompeo’s European tour between October 1 to October 6 where he will visit Italy, The Holy See, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Greece.

Yesterday, Pompeo landed in Italy where he attended the U.S.-Holy See Symposium on Partnering with Faith-Based Organisations, where he delivered keynote remarks. He had a private audience with His Holiness Pope Francis, and met with Secretary of State Cardinal Parolin and Secretary for Relations with States Archbishop Gallagher.

In Rome, Italy, the Secretary met with President Mattarella, Prime Minister Conte, and Foreign Minister Di Maio. He will also visit Abruzzo to tour his ancestral home.

After his visit to Montenegro, where he will meet with President Djukanovic, Prime Minister Markovic, and Foreign Minister Darmanovic, Pompeo will travel to North Macedonia, where he will meet with President Pendarovski, Prime Minister Zaev, and other government officials. The Secretary will also tour the Holy Mother of God “Peribleptos” monastery complex while visiting Lake Ohrid.

Also travelling to Athens this week is Assistant Secretary for Economic and Business Affairs Manisha Singh to meet with government counterparts and the private sector to expand partnerships and economic opportunities for American workers.

In Athens, Assistant Secretary Singh will travel as a member of the U.S. delegation to the U.S. – Greece Strategic Dialogue. She will lead a session on Innovation and Start-Ups discussing the cyber-economy and use of trusted vendors as well as policy issues surrounding the development of emerging technologies such artificial intelligence and cryptocurrencies. She will also lead a session on Trade and Investment between the U.S. and Greece including expansion of the bilateral trade relationship and continuing to promote expanded opportunities for American companies.

Source: greekcitytimes.com


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