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Monday, September 30, 2024


New York Stock Exchange Celebrates Greece

New York Stock Exchange Celebrates Greece

Within the context of the 19th Annual Capital Link Invest in Greece Forum the New York Stock Exchange in cooperation with Capital Link organized a special ceremony in honor of Greece entitled “Greek Day at NYSE”.

On Tuesday, December 12th, 2017, the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) held an official reception in honor of the Greek delegation, Greek companies listed on the New York Stock Exchange and companies that participated in the Forum.

The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) flew the Greek flag on Wall Street and issued special commemorative medals to honor the members of the Greek Delegation.

This year’s “Greek Day at NYSE” featured Greek Government Officials and executives representing companies listed in the US stock markets as well as companies that participated at the 19th Annual Capital Link Invest in Greece Forum, which held in great success the previous day.

Hon. Euclid Tsakalotos, Minister of Finance of the Hellenic Republic, rang “The Closing Bell”, ending the trading session on Tuesday, December 12th 2017.

New York Stock Exchange Representative was Mr. Chris Taylor, Vice President, NYSE Listings & NYSE Services. Greek-American Nicole Petallides, the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) anchor for The Fox Business Network welcome the Government Delegation.

The participants of the “Closing Bell” ceremony included from the Government Delegation: Hon. Euclid Tsakalotos, Minister of Finance of the Hellenic Republic, Hon. Elena Kountoura, Minister of Tourism of the Hellenic Republic, Mr. George Tziallas, Secretary General for Tourism Policy and Development-Ministry of Tourism, Dr. Constantine Koutras, Consul General of Greece in New York, Nicolas Bornozis, President of Capital Link, Olga Bornozi, Managing Director of Capital Link.

Source: usa.greekreporter.com


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