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Wednesday, October 9, 2024


Wide Mobilization of the Greek Diaspora Campaigning for the Greek Language

Wide Mobilization of the Greek Diaspora Campaigning for the Greek Language

Wide Mobilization of the Greek Diaspora Campaigning for the Greek Language

An ambitious and important initiative has been conceived by the Australian Greek Diaspora, aiming mostly at preserving the every-day use of Greek language among Greek family members of all generations as well as at promoting the revival and spreading around Greek language to the wider Australian society.

This initiative, which took shape rapidly, mainly concerns the ongoing campaign entitled “Speak Greek in March”, and was perceived by Mr. Zafeiropoulos, a distinguished member of the Greek-Australian Community, who has served as President of the Australian Local Channel 31 and as General Director of the Broadcasting Service SBS.

From the very first moment, a number of prominent members of the Greek-Australian academic community enthusiastically embraced the idea and worked on  the project:  Mr Vasilis Papastergiadis, President of the Greek-Orthodox Community of Melbourne (Victoria), Mr Manos Tzibragos, Director of the Greek Community Schools and Mr Tasos Dourvatzidis, Director of the “OMIROS’ College. The philosophy and details of the event was firstly published in the English version of the Greek-Australian Newspaper “Neos Kosmos” and, through its pages, the whole story was spread out across the country, giving the desired momentum for large publicity and success.

 The ultimate objective of the project is to establish the month of March, as the month dedicated to the Greek language. This initiative is expected to offer a stimulus among a large audience, mainly to Greek descent citizens, to study and practice the Greek language but also to encourage, towards this scope, the rest of the local society, both Australians and other ethnicities, who speak a variety of languages.

It should be noticed that the choice to schedule and realize this project during the month of March, is not at all random. It is inspired by and contains a very strong symbolism: that of the 25th of March, 1821: the Greek National Day Anniversary. It is well known that on the above occasion a lot of Greek Cultural events are traditionally organized in many Australian cities.

In Europe, and more specifically in Italy, there has also been a large mobilization for a Greek language campaign, by the Federation of Hellenic Communities and Fraternities of Italy (OEKAI) as well by the Philhellenic Society of Italy (FSI). It has thus been decided to organize a similar event entitled “In Italia Parliamo Greco ad Ottobre” (“In Italy we speak Greek in October”).

The relative initiative will be presented in September, 2015 in the context of the cultural events of the second “Greek Cultural Week”, due to take place in South Italy, in the city of Ancient Elea.

Furthermore, various other events across Italy will be announced in September, 2015, in the context of the so called “October 24, Celebration”, the date on which in 1963 the famous Greek Poet Giorgos Seferis was proposed to be offered the Nobel Literature Award. Actually, this date would be celebrated all around the world as the “Day of Greek Language and Civilization”.

The proposal for the celebration of October 24 as the “Day of Greek Language and Civilization” was submitted both to the Educational Affairs and to the Hellenic Diaspora Parliamentary Committees of the Hellenic Parliament and was unanimously adopted.

Two prominent personalities in Italy, namely, Mr. Giannis Korinthios, President of the Greek Communities and Fraternities Federation and Mr. Marco Galdi, Mayor of the Italian city Cava dei Tirreni and President of the Philhellenic Society of Italy, played a key role for preparing and submitting this important proposal, which has also been adopted by the Central Association of Municipalities of Greece.



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«October 2024»


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