Pottery and small bronze ornaments were found in looted ancient tomb excavated in the necropolis of ancient Kition, today orchard area in Larnaca.
The tomb consisted of a big way, and the burial chamber had the same shape and the same dimensions as the smaller graves of the classic period. Seventeen people were buried in the chamber. Most were primary burials, but secondary burials were found in a large amphora of dichromate painted pottery. The jar contained the bones of two people, an adult about 20 years and one child 8-10 years.
According to the Department of Antiquities ceramic vessels found in the chamber and the way the tomb dated to the Cypro-Archaic I period. Also found many Phoenician vessels, such as amphorae, jugs dichromate and Erythrochristis pottery and type dishes «Samaria ware».
For more information: http://www.iefimerida.gr/news/186246/asylliptis-omorfias-arhaikos-tafos-anakalyfthike-sti-larnaka-athikta-ta-kosmimata-kai-ta