Dr. Angelos Georgakopoulos is Assistant Professor at Warwick University. The European Research Council has recently selected him and the University’s Mathematics Institute where he is based, to receive €1.2 million for an intradisciplinary research programme in pure mathematics. "The funding is of course very important for the future of our research. Our method is to use a thought experiment involving randomness to understand the geometry of the structure. The intended application field is mainly in mathematics, but the long term outreach might involve a wide range of real-world phenomena, including complex networks, quantum gravity, and heat propagation in porous media," says Georgakopoulos.
The European Research Council (ERC) is an EU body established to encourage high quality research in Europe through competitive funding. The ERC operates according to a 'bottom-up', approach, allowing researchers to identify new opportunities in any field of research, without thematic priorities.
Source: Greek News Agenda