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Event on Repatriation of Parthenon Marbles in Stockholm
Βουλή των Ελλήνων / Thursday, May 24, 2018 / Categories: Home, Πολιτιστικά / Οικονομικά , Ευρώπη

Event on Repatriation of Parthenon Marbles in Stockholm

The Swedish Committee for the Return of Parthenon Marbles Svenska Parthenonkommittén, in cooperation with the National Theatre of Stockholm (Dramaten) and the Embassy of Greece to Sweden, organised the event ‘Ett levande Parthenon’ (A living Parthenon) at the National Theatre of the Swedish capital.

The artistic and managing director of the Dramaten, Eirik Stubo, referred to Greek cultural heritage and the plays performed in the theatre last winter under his guidance.

The president of the Swedish Committee for the return of Parthenon Marbles Ambassador Krister Kumlin, who has served as Sweden’s envoy to Greece, referred to the way the marbles were taken by Elgin and their transfer to Britain. He said that it was a moral issue and essential that all the parts of the Parthenon Marbles be housed in the Acropolis Museum, which is the most appropriate place for them to be displayed, instead of the British Museum, because as he said, “they yearn for the sun of Attica”.

Kumlin read out a speech sent by Greek Culture Minister Lydia Koniordou for the event in Swedish. In this, Koniordou said the specific initiative was very important and stated that “the reunification of the Parthenon Marbles constitutes the main strategy of the Greek government and culture ministry. Our position that a solution must be found through diplomacy and dialogue with the British government and the British Museum in the framework of the international organisations, such as Unesco, is stable.

Source: thenationalherald.com


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