The film Pari, a Greek-Iranian production written and directed by Siamak Etemadi, has been selected for the prestigious L’atelier (the workshop) of the Cinefondation of the Cannes Film Festival.
Fifteen projects from fourteen countries have been selected for this workshop that was created in 2005 to stimulate creative filmmaking. The film tells the story of an Iranian mother’s search of her missing son in Athens. Atelier will take place on May 13-24.
Wednesday, 04:45 a film written and directed by Alexis Alexiou will travel to New York, to the Tribeca Film Festival, to be one of the twelve films selected among 6,223 entries for the World Narrative Competition. The dark underworld drama (video) with the peculiar title is about a life's work becoming a prison for jazz club owner Stelios when a shady Romanian gangster turns up for his debts. The Festival will take place from April 15 to 26, while the film will premiere in Athens on March 12.
Source: Greek News Agenda