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Sunday, March 9, 2025


USA to return Byzantine manuscript to Greece

USA to return Byzantine manuscript to Greece

USA to return Byzantine manuscript to Greece

The American University of Duke, is "to deliver directly" to the US government and this in turn to the Greek, a Byzantine manuscript of the 10th cent., which comes from the Mount Athos Monastery of Dionysiou.

The news came on the occasion of the visit to Washington of the general secretary of the Ministry of Culture and Sport, Lina Mendoni.

This manuscript from Duke University, as well as the Byzantine tetraefangelio repatriated in September from the Museum Getty, belong to the Byzantine treasures stolen from the Monastery during the 60s and, as noted, "their repatriation is the culmination of both the persistence and efforts of the Greek Ministry of Culture and Sport and the Greek embassy in Washington, and the excellent cooperation with the competent US authorities"

More information for both the manuscript and the date of its return is expected to communicate in the next days by the Greek Embassy in Washington, which will receive the manuscript.

Ms. Mendoni visited Washington on 8 and 9 December "for a series of contacts with reputable American cultural institutions, for the preparation of major Greek exhibitions in the US capital."

He met with the director and officers of the National Gallery (Smithsonian National Gallery of Art), and the Vice-President and members of the National Geographic. Both museums will host "notable Greek reports" in the coming period, as the staff of museums believes, proving in practice the high demand and interest of the American public for the masterpieces of Greek art.

Moreover, Ms Mendoni had the opportunity to present the work and actions of the Ministry of Culture to members of the Greek American community involved in the whole range of Greek civilization, during a panel discussion organized by the Embassy in Washington, in collaboration with Center Greek Harvard Studies in the US capital.

Πηγή: http://www.thetoc.gr/politismos/article/oi-ipa-tha-epistrepsoun-buzantino-xeirografo-stin-ellada


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