MIS / Wednesday, January 20, 2016 / Categories: Home, Νομοθεσία New Legislation: "Ratification of corrective amendments to the Extradition Convention between the Government of the Greek Republic and the Government of Canada through the exchange of verbal notes and New Legislation: "Ratification of corrective amendments to the Extradition Convention between the Government of the Greek Republic and the Government of Canada through the exchange of verbal notes and other provisions". GG 3 A '/ 19.01.2016 http://www.hellenicparliament.gr/Nomothetiko-Ergo/Anazitisi-Nomothetikou-Ergou?law_id=1ea1ed9f-e140-4af5-87b7-a57600f84169 Meeting of the President of the Hellenic Parliament with the President of the House of Representatives of Cyprus New Legislation: «Ratification of the Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Greek Republic for the procurement of defense material». (GG 4 A '/ 20.01.201 Print 663