“Genesis” is the name of the first Greek Doctors Association operating in the region of North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany, the most populous German state. The Association was founded at the end of 2014 and was officially presented in Dusseldorf Municipality hall.
At the Association’s official opening ceremony, young Greek doctors who have migrated to Germany and decided to join their forces, presented their objectives and the Association’s program.
Genesis’ primary purpose is to support young Greek and Cypriot doctors who went to Germany seeking a better professional environment driven there by the economic crisis that hit their homelands in recent years. Greek doctors in North Rhine-Westphalia are currently estimated to be at around 1.800 and Genesis consists the largest professional group of foreign origin doctors in the region. The percentage of Greek doctors in North Rhine-Westphalia corresponds approximately to 2% of the total doctor’s population.
Stamatis Kioufis, a cardiologist trainee and President of the association, speaking to German news network Deutsche Welle, pointed out that Genesis operates as a charity organization, aiming at helping financially and by offering drugs and know-how to people in need, back in homeland.
As he highlighted, an agreement with the Social Clinic of Athens, the largest of the kind in Greece, has already been signed. Another aim of the Association is to organize training seminars on medical issues for Greeks already living in Germany for many years.