An event dedicated to the Greek community in Trieste, Italy will be held at the Hellenic American Union, on January 20. Trieste, as a main harbor servicing Central Europe motivated many Greeks, from the mainland and the islands, to migrate there, since the beginning of the 17th century.
The Greeks of Trieste, mainly entrepreneurs, successfully ventured into the fields of commerce, seafaring, insurances and the banking sector, always being on good terms with the other population groups. Until nowadays, the community, though reduced in size, continues its dynamic activities, thus confirming its identity.
Keynote speakers will be Professor Modern Greek History in the University of Athens Olga Katsiardis-Hering, Pantias Skaramangas, and Nikitas Simos.
The event which is organised in cooperation with the Association Hellenic Roots will also feature screenings of documentaries and a music programme by pianist Anna Dimoula and maestro Dimitris Arapis.
Source: Greek News Agenda