Twelve years following the launch of Hellas Sat 2, the first Greek satellite operating since 2003, Hellas Sat is ready to proceed with the launch of Hellas Sat 3. The new satellite to be launched in the months to come (together with the subsequent model which is not yet constructed) will provide extensive telecommunication services (broadcast, broadband, teleports and data services) covering Europe, Middle East and South Africa.
Hellas Sat is a subsidiary of Arab Satellite Communications Organization, the leading satellite service provider in Middle East and North Africa. The mother-company has recently announced that its investment scheme in Greece will be up to €10 million, within the next three years. Hellas Sat 3 and the subsequent model will cost over €400 million. In September 2014, Hellas Sat was selected for funding by the EU Horizon 2020 framework programme for Research & Innovation. The funding involves a project which offers a combination of Terrestrial and Satellite networks.
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