MIS / Monday, July 18, 2016 / Categories: Home, newsletter Ιούλιος 2016, Νομοθεσία New legislation: «Ratification of the June 24, 2016 amendment and codification into a complete document the February 13, 2002 Concession Agreement between the Greek government and Piraeus Port Organiz New legislation: «Ratification of the June 24, 2016 amendment and codification into a complete document the February 13, 2002 Concession Agreement between the Greek government and Piraeus Port Organization SA & other provisions» (Government Gazette 126 A '/ 07.08.2016) http://www.hellenicparliament.gr/Nomothetiko-Ergo/Anazitisi-Nomothetikou-Ergou?law_id=397bf8d4-5313-4b27-9584-a633016db8de The Hellenic Parliament condemns the deadly attack in southern France UNESCO’S Monument of World Heritage the archaeological site of Philippi Print 1752