MIS / Monday, January 9, 2017 / Categories: Home, newsletter Ιανουάριος 2017, Νομοθεσία New legislation: «Spatial planning - Sustainable development & other provisions» (Gov. 241 A '/ 23.12.2016) New legislation: «Spatial planning - Sustainable development & other provisions» (Gov. 241 A '/ 23.12.2016) http://www.hellenicparliament.gr/Nomothetiko-Ergo/Anazitisi-Nomothetikou-Ergou?law_id=dbf2ce9a-076f-408b-a944-a6dc014af264 New Legislation: «Bankruptcy Code, Administrative Justice, Fees, Voluntary disclosure taxable income of previous years, electronic transactions, Amendments of law 4270/2014 & other provisions." (GG 24 Greek, Italian mayors share Palme Prize for assisting migrants Print 2431