For the fourth consecutive year, the events titled “October 12, 1944. Athens liberated”, organized by the Hellenic Parliament Foundation for Parliamentarism and Democracy, the Attica Region, the Municipality of Athens, the General State Archives and ERT, will mark the anniversary of the liberation of Athens from the Nazi occupation forces in October 1944.
The events, which extend all year round and culminate in October, aim to capture the suffering the country endured during the World War II and the Nazi Occupation in particular, but above all to show the struggle of the Greek people against fascism, and Nazism, its attachment to the idea of freedom and the development of the resistance movement.
The events’ program features exhibitions, speeches, historical walks, musical and theatrical performances, film screenings, educational programs and workshops.
“Athens liberated” a dynamic and ambitious Public History program, aims at filling a big gap in the official memory of the Occupation period.
Today, October 12, at 19:00, on the anniversary of the Liberation of Athens, Maria Farantouri and Rita Antonopoulou sing about the war, the struggle and freedom at Parko Eleftherias, in a program showcasing works by Mikis Theodorakis, Manos Hadjidakis and Thanos Mikroutsikos.
The entrance is free.