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'The Legacy of the Greek Language' launch
Βουλή των Ελλήνων / Friday, April 28, 2017 / Categories: Home, Πολιτιστικά / Οικονομικά

'The Legacy of the Greek Language' launch

It has always been known that the Greek language has made a contribution to languages and cultures around the world from antiquity through to the present, but precisely how unique a contribution was uncertain. Until now that is.

Charles Sturt University's Professor George Kanarakis OAM has compiled and edited an insightful collective volume titled The Legacy of the Greek Language which will be launched at the Greek Community of Melbourne's (GCM) Greek Centre on Sunday 30 April.

Comprising 36 specialised studies by 35 noted scholars, all findings have been derived from primary research and showcase Greek's contribution in European languages right through to other languages of the world, including the cultures of their peoples.

To demonstrate the scale of Greek's legacy, 30 languages have been examined, extending geographically and culturally beyond Europe, and include Korean, Chinese, Japanese, Afrikaans, and Swahili.

Combining theory and practice, Professor Kanarakis' work is suited to experts in the theoretical and applied linguistic sciences, educators in second or foreign language teaching and learning, as well as readers interested in the Greek language and its global presence.

The launch is being made possible in a joint effort by La Trobe University's Greek Studies Program, the GCM, Greek Australian Cultural League, and the Hellenic Writers Association of Australia.

Presenting on the day will be La Trobe's Greek Studies Program coordinator Dr Maria Herodotou, and Professor of Linguistics David Bradley.

The Legacy of the Greek Language will be launched on Sunday 30 April at the Greek Cultural Centre of Melbourne (Mezzanine Level, 168 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne, VIC) at 3.00 pm. Attendance is free.

Source: neoskosmos.com


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