It was the biggest discovery of 2014, after Amphipolis. The 3,000 year-old Mycenaean tomb, found unplundered, had kept its secrets in the dark for millennia, to reveal them only to science.The research showed that many attempted to raid the tomb, but none succeeded.
The tomb lies close to Amfissa, a town near Delphi. The tomb was dome-shaped with a 9m corridor and a circular chamber, 6m wide and 3m high. Inside the tomb, archaeologists found pottery, jewelry, swords, precious stones and even a baby bottle. The quantity of finds shows the edifice was used as a tomb for more than two centuries. Among the finds of the dig, archaeologists agree that the most precious was a gold seal-ring with bull head decorations, similar to those found at Mycenae.
Source: Greek News Agenda