RSM Greece announced on Tuesday the 36 Greek companies to have graduated from the first stage of the European Business Awards competition and be branded “national champions.” They are among 700 European companies selected from a total of 32,000 European enterprises from 33 countries.
The 36 Greek firms to have earned the title National Champion, across nine of the 10 corporate categories, are the following: Admine, Kostas Tsililis, Pharma Data, Akrolithos, Alpha Trust, Astir Vitogiannis Bros, BakeHellas, Bodytalk, Epsilon Net, e-Travel, iKnowHow Informatics, INASCO Hellas, Kayak, Konstantinidis, VIOKYT Packaging, Aqurance, Coffee Island, Teoren Motors, Aratos Technologies, Beiersdorf Hellas, Deas, ICAP Group, Loux Marlafekas, Printec Group, Vikos, Elvial, Greek Brands, Medbest, Megas Yeeros, Viotros, GEPA LIFT, Ioniki Sfoliata, Raymetrics, Tobea, Vermantia Media Group and Tyras Group.
The European Business Awards are the most important European distinctions supported by distinguished corporate officials, academics, media representatives and politicians from the entire continent.